Friday, March 27, 2009

St. Patrick's Day!

For St. Patrick's Day we celebrated with a 'green thumb' tour to the Southeast Botanical Gardens where we potted a hibiscus ("hibiscuit") and played. Coryn was eyeing a purple one while we had our lesson on hibiscus origins and variations and then saw a pink one and changed his mind.
This was our horticulturist, nice man, little english, and though they had some difficultly with translation I was able to help a little with my plant background :)
Carter got to feed the koi for the first time... and he did try to eat them at the beginning then he saw how much fun it was watching the fish go after them and didn't have any problems.

Of course, we had to stop at the playground for a break from all the plants and there was a highschool on tour... I tried to ask what school they were from and they told me Osaka, I'm not sure if that means they were from a highschool named Osaka or if they were actually on a school trip from mainland Osaka... I wouldn't be surprised at either. There were enough kids there to keep Coryn and Carter occupied... Coryn's been noticing the lack of attention to him for not being the youngest. He took full advantage of the boys there and had pictures taken of him, told which boys to come up and slide with him... he was quite the little ruler.

Carter was happy just to have someone watch him walk around and try to rock on the little animals... personality wise they are so alike! gluttons for attention!

1 comment:

adventures in an empty nest said...

They do love those little boys over there don't they!!:)