Thursday, March 05, 2009

Pottery Class

I started taking pottery classes. February was beginning, and March is intermediate. We made cups and saucers in beginning and we've started on lidded pots this month. It should be interesting!
Clay comes in a nice big block which you shear off of to make pieces. First you knead it almost like bread to get the air bubbles out.

Then you throw it on the wheel (no really, it needs to stick to the wheel).
Then up and down, up and down, get it ready to be worked.
Here's my pottery buddy... I always felt inferior to her wheel work, but in the end my pieces looked better.

Here's my first cup. I'll post pictures of the finished products... I've made three cups and one saucer so far.


adventures in an empty nest said...

is your pottery buddy still your pottery buddy after that comment???
Looks good though :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, hopefully she doesn't know about this page :) Put some pictures of finished goods! If they look good, I'll have you make me one....j/k. But seriously, a tea mug would be nice :)