Saturday, April 25, 2009

Movie Madness, Round 2

There were several blowouts in this round so I'm only going to cover the top two. In a massive beat down The Sixth Sense provided the first shutout of the tournament. Who was the victim here, the academy award winning film The Pianist. The next one I'm going to touch on also garnered a huge portion of the vote. Pirates of the Caribbean blew Pee-Wee's Big Adventure out of the water with 93.8% of the vote.

It looks like Tom Hanks will finally have his revenge over Roberto Benigni. Roberto stole the best actor oscar from hanks in 1999, but in a close vote Saving Private Ryan seems to have more supporters than Life is Beautiful with just over 55% of the vote. Anything could happen though, there are still 17 hours of voting left in round 2.

The outcome that is still in doubt at this time is The Matrix vs. Harry Potter. With the vote split 50/50 at this time I would look for Harry Potter to move on as it is a higher seed than the Matrix, just know that anything can happen since "there is no spoon."

Over 1100 votes have been case up to this point, please keep it up here!

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