Friday, June 12, 2009

Tropical Dream Center 5: Panel Exhibition

I was in luck and happened to go to the center while they had a panel exhibit about the wild orchids of Okinawa - finding them in the wild... which was less about how to find them and more about pictures of them in the wild. Which makes sense, wouldn't want every Tom Dick and Harry running up to these places and pulling them out to take home. It was nice though, there were explanations for the Japanese names.
Being a panel exhibit, it didn't photograph too well, which is sad because by this point Coryn was bored to tears, though Carter was asleep for most half of the center.

Here's the other half decent pic.

Then we found ourself in the observatory, the spiral looking building that any who haven't been yet assume is the center itself. Its not much though, the interior is a tribute to the people who study and film nature along with a display about growing orchids from seeds.
the view at the top is lovely of course.

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