Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Historical Sites

 Next on our history tour was Liberty Missouri and a historic jail... remember how I said people lived where they work?  Same here, this is the family kitchen of the jail warden.
 This was part of the jail.  There was another part that looked more jail-like, bars and brick and all, which by the way was and still is the safest place in the town during a tornado.
 This particular jail was also the scene of vigilante justice.  The jail was stormed by an angry mob which shot the prisoners... through the door.
 Then we hopped over to Nauvoo Illinois, where the father of the creator of the Browning gun company started a gunsmith shop.
 And there was some pioneer stuff here...
and a historic church...

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

I am a direct descendant of that Jonathan Browning - love all the church history sites!