Monday, June 09, 2008

It Is DONE! I Hope...

Coryn and I recently were able to try on some of the Ryukyu historical costumes, here he's sporting an eisa (festival drumming) smock.
But that's not the big news (here he's wearing a replica of the crown of the Ryukyu kings). The big news is that today for the first time since we began this process two weeks ago, he finally #2'd in the potty!!! Who knew this would be such a big accomplishment in my life, not to mention his.
Here we are together, I'm in a traditional print (if it were yellow it would be the traditional princess color).
Carter has had some big accomplishments too, he now grabs toys with purpose (usually to chew on them) and he rolls onto his tummy if he so desires (at least did so twice yesterday). Generally he just likes to lay on his back and scootch in a circle with his head as the fulcrum point.

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