Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh My Poor Poor Kids

Thought I'd share a couple of rough times the kids had today...

This morning as we were headed out the door, there was a worm on the front porch (stoop?) trying to escape the recent rain. He was moving pretty actively for a worm on concrete so I pointed him out to Coryn. Coryn was very interested, but unfortunately we had to get going, so I told him it was time to go and not to step on the poor worm as a parting gift. Of course, Coryn just had to step on him a little bit out of curiosity which scared the bejeezes out of the worm which then proceeded to jump around like his life depended on it. Oh the screams! (I laughed... sorry Coryn!) Its not every day a kid gets scared by a jumping worm.

For dinner we went to the food court, subway for me, pizza for the kids... and we were all hungry and a bit cranky. Coryn was whinning and complaining of stomach pain, Carter was wanting to get down and run around, and I was trying to order their pizza... two cheese please... oh, only one cheese? fine, I'll take whatever you have... that one looks fine... chicken, yes. okay, set food down, get drink, highchair, kids situated, cut pizza for kids... everyone perking up. Suddenly from Carter, screams of pain! oh dear, did he bite himself? tooth pain? need a drink for something not entirely chewed but swallowed? after a bit of fussing, required holding, and pizza refusal, I notice that there isn't chicken pizza on the normal menu, but a limited time chipotle pizza!! First spicy burn... poor kid.

The day ended well though, after the pizza incident Carter was quite happily running around the food court making the Japanese ladies smile and we all shared a smoothie.

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