Saturday, November 29, 2008

Trunk Or Treat

We went to a trunk or treat at Krispy Kreme which was sponsored by the local police to support Special Olympics. Here they are pulling their cop-on-a -doughnut-shop stunt.

Coryn was Super Why from the PBS show of the same name. He loves being a super reader, I am often any of the others... Alpha Pig, Wonder Red, or Princess Presto.

Getting candy yeah! ooo, shiny motorcycle.

Here's G-pop's station, the paddy wagon, everyone in this shot.

Coryn's in the paddy wagon now.

Had to shake hands with Ratatouille, I'm assuming because he shook hands with McGruff the crime dog.
In case you were wondering, yes this is still in Boise, and yes it was after we were supposed to leave, but thats a story for another post.

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