Saturday, August 11, 2007

Shave and a Hair Cut

I'm smiling, can you tell? Apparently haircuts make smiles look like kiss lips and squinty eyes. We had to resort to lap haircut again (third haircut) at the Japanese barber house 'Good Boy', behind the barber is a fish tank with a giant fish in it that helped distract Coryn.
My first professional shampoo, took it like a man... ok, screamed the whole time just like shampoo at home.
My first hairdrying, still not happy, 'loud' I say 'loud!'
Can you tell how happy I am to have my sucker? I'm smiling again, but I'm so tired I forgot how to use my mouth. (you can tell by the eyes) All in all an improvement from previous haircuts! (check out the newest video at Lisa's myspace!)

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