Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ok, I know its a couple days early, but I didn't want to miss it. News update... Coryn now has eight teeth and I'm pretty sure he prefers grown up food to baby food (who wouldn't, plus he gets to play with it). Friday Coryn took his first steps and those of you who have myspace can see a little video of him. He still prefers crawling but I'm sure that won't be for too much longer. He says some words that he means to say now. He says duckie and dog and likes to growl when you point to animals (all animals) and I think he means me when he says mom now...

Jackson is still in Virginia, but he'll be able to come home for Christmas weather permitting. He seems to be doing well in his officer course too.

All is well on the home front, keeping busy with birthdays lately, we have a lot in the fall. We are also preparing for Coryn's first birthday, between shots and icecream it will be a busy day and if he had any sense of anticipation he would be excited about the impending move to a larger front facing car seat!

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