Monday, February 27, 2006

I'll be on the Air

By Jackson

For those of you out there who are interested, I will be appearing on the Ghostwood Development Project, a weekly radio program hosted by my good friend Nate Dredge of The Dredge Report. The show will air this Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm. You can hear it in Boise on AM 730 and you can stream the show at that time from the Boise State Student Radio web page for those of you outside the Boise area. I know that there are local affiliates in McCall, Twin Falls and a few other cities throughout southern Idaho, but unfortunately I don't call those dial numbers with me. A panel of four, including yours truly will be prognosticating the recipients of the major categories of the 78th annual Academy Awards which will air that night on ABC (local channel 6) beginning at 7 pm mountain time.

Though most of Hollywood has been extremely annoying for many years now and proof positive that the vast majority of the stars are so out of touch with mainstream America that it's not funny, I have been watching the Oscars for years, and my first job was at Suncoast: The Motion Picture Company. I worked there for three years and won the annual Oscar pool three years straight.

We hope to be able to do a show soon thereafter with our reaction to the Oscars, and I hope you will all tune in to hear the program Sunday night. For those of you who like to keep score at home, a nice printable Oscar ballot is available in PDF format.

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